Here are the Org, a group of demonic creatures who have risen up through
pollution to conquer the world.
Master Org lives deep within the Nexus, where the Org reside. The Master Org
rules over all the Org. However, a truth is revealed that he is actually a
human, who was given an evil power.
Jindrax is the Duke of Org and master of blades. He later on evolves due to
the power of Master Org
Toxica is the Dutchess of Org and the mystress of magic. She later on
evolves due to the power of Master Org.
Retinax is the first of the fallen generals. He has been in exile ever since
the fall of the Org. He is Master Org's bodyguard and is determined to do
whatever it takes to destroy his opponents.
After Retinax is destroyed, Nayzor is the next of the fallen generals to be
ressurected from the Nexus. He has been an enemy of all that is good for
much longer than three thousand years and now that he is back, he plans to
seek his revenge. Before he is finally destroyed, Nayzor evolves into the
picture on the right.
Zenaku is awakened to carry out three thousand years of vengence during a
full moon. He takes out his wrath by summoning the darkness power of the
Wild Force Predazord.
After Nayzor is thought to be destroyed, the wonderful Necronomica is born.
However when Necronomica is destroyed it turns out that she is really Toxica
who has been absorbed by the remains of Nayzor.
Mandilok is ressurected from the Nexus by Jindrax and Toxica to take down
Master Org. Mandilok is a brutal monster and enjoys dining on the junk of
Turtle Cove.
The Putrids are the minions of evil that have risen up from the slime of the
The surviving Generals of the Machine Empire gather together to revive
Serpentera in this awesome adventure.. "Forever Red".
As the final battle endures, the three great Org generals Retinax, Nayzor,
and Mandilok are reborn and are fused together to create the evil Senki.
NEXUSThis is the Nexus, where are all Org are given life. The Nexus is also where
the Org reside.